Offensive:Racy: Likely Labels:book | bulletin board | comic book | daily | person | poster | tribute album OCR: 5 THEPUZZLE The puzzle UP interactive adult game, ru which are easy to learn and fun to play An electronic which takes you inta reelxxx adult action with all kind of giris. POT As you increasingly are taking more and 999 more contral over the game, you will be well awarded with more points and ther THEPUZ rebyj get. access to more video-clips you are really good you will get bonus MUM REQUIREMENT HAND PC compatible CD Rom drive Windows 3.X or Windows Soundblaster compatible For adults only All actors are 18 years or older Proot ol age is on tile Non violent viewing 486 DX2 66 MHz audio card malerial commercial use duplication ot this material prior licensing is forbidde MB RAM Super VGA graphics Violators will be prosecuted .This CD -ROM "THE PUZZLE was produced October 1996 The records re ...